CBL-Scrum: A new framework for CBL education? 25/01/2024

CBL-Scrum: A new framework for CBL education? 25/01/2024

How does Scrum fit into Challenge-Based Learning (CBL)? Join the Academy for Learning and Teaching (ALT) and innovation Space as we explore this and other questions in a world café led by teachers from different departments. The following statements – sometimes deemed...
Open Call for Deep Tech Start-ups

Open Call for Deep Tech Start-ups

Transfiere 2024 launch the IV Open Call for Deep Tech Start-ups coordinated by the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) and EBAN. National and international start-ups with deep tech projects will have the opportunity to increase their visibility to national and...
European Ocean Days, 04-08/03/2024

European Ocean Days, 04-08/03/2024

Organised for the first time in 2024, European Ocean Days will be a week of  events related to European maritime topics. It will cover, on separate days over the week, the EU Mission Ocean and Waters, future priorities for Europe’s Seas, blue innovation...
ECS Brokerage Event, 20-21/02/2024

ECS Brokerage Event, 20-21/02/2024

The ECS Brokerage Event combines the brokerage activities of the industry associations AENEAS, EPoSS and INSIDE into one networking event dedicated to project proposals in the field of Electronic Components and Systems. This event facilitates the ECS community and...