Cohesion for Transitions (C4T) is a Community of Practice bringing together public authorities and other cohesion policy stakeholders to support EU Member States, regions and territories in the implementation of investments financed by the European Regional and Development Fund (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund (CF). C4T has a specific focus on Policy Objective 2 of Cohesion Policy “a greener, low carbon transitioning towards a net zero carbon economy” for the 2021-2027 period.
The C4T Forum will be co-hosted by DG REGIO and the C4T Secretariat. The sessions will be organised in a hybrid format and will offer a prime opportunity for cohesion stakeholders to meet and discuss the implementation of their projects.
Following the C4T Forum on 21 November, the three C4T Working Groups (Climate, Energy, and Environment) will have their second meeting on 22 November. They will build on the discussions of their first meeting in June, where they highlighted the key challenges and bottlenecks that stakeholders face for the implementation of sustainable investments under Policy Objective 2.