The Innovation Fund has launched the 3rd small-scale call on 30 March, open until 19 September. Please join CINEA and DG CLIMA for a hands-on how-to webinar, where we will provide applicants with valuable tips for a successful application.

On 4 and 5 July 2023, the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) is jointly organising with the Directorate-General Climate for Action (DG CLIMA) a two-day event to help applicants submit a successful application for the third small-scale call. To achieve this goal, CINEA is proposing a twofold approach:  

  • On the morning of 4 July, an online event where CINEA, DG CLIMA and a couple of successful small-scale projects from previous calls will provide valuable tips on successfully preparing an application for the Innovation Fund. Participants will learn about the main challenges, most common mistakes and how to avoid them. There will be an opportunity for questions and answers (Q&A) using slido. 
  • On the afternoon of 4 July and the full day of 5 July, CINEA and DG CLIMA will host online orientation sessions that will be webstreamed. Selected projects will have the occasion to present their project idea at a public event and ask questions to CINEA and DG CLIMA representatives. Project presenters are recommended to note the public nature of this event and refrain from disclosing any confidential information. 

Innovation Fund: How-to webinar and online orientation sessions for third small-scale call applicants (