Almost 300 proposals submitted for the 2024 call of the Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking.
A shortlist of 34 projects has been made to be funded by the Biodiversa+ partnership.
Biodiversa+ also released the results of its survey on new technologies for biodiversity monitoring.

Facts about the CBE JU 2024 calls

The CBE JU Programme Office has received 298 project proposals by the 18 September deadline for the 2024 call. Applicants have requested nearly €1.5 billion in CBE JU funding, against the indicative call budget of €213 million.

The evaluation of the proposals will be carried out with the help of external experts in October-November 2024, and the applicants will receive information about the outcomes of the evaluations in January 2025. Once the grant agreement preparation with the proposals retained for funding is completed, CBE JU will sign the grant agreements, which is expected to occur by mid-May 2025.

Find out more about the calls and follow the CBE JU on Linkedin.

Facts about the Biodiversa+ 2023 calls

In September 2023, Biodiversa+ launched its BiodivNbS call, inviting proposals for three-year research projects to explore the tipping points, trade-offs, and mechanisms influencing Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and their effective implementation. In total, 183 eligible proposals and 108 eligible full proposals were received and evaluated by an independent Evaluation Committee, which ranked the projects. Strictly following this ranking, 34 research projects have been shortlisted for possible funding, pending final funding decisions by all participating funding organisations. The 34 shortlisted projects are academically excellent, mobilise a wide range of disciplines, engage many relevant stakeholders, and address various pressing scientific and societal issues.

The official results will be communicated on the Biodiversa+ website by the end of November.

Learn about the selection process and the 34 projects and follow Biodiversa+ on Linkedin.

Survey results: Innovation in biodiversity monitoring 

In line with its objective to support the creation of a pan-European network of harmonised biodiversity monitoring schemes, Biodiversa+ surveyed its partners on the deployment of five novel monitoring technologies: bioacoustics, camera traps, eDNA/genomics, UAV (drones), and sensor networks. The survey also evaluated the taxa and Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) targeted by these technologies.

Read about the main takeaways and dive into the full report.