Photonics21 has published three thematic reports which focus on industrial applications of high relevance for photonic technologies: DefenceVirtual Worlds and High Performance Computing. The reports, conducted by French market intelligence group Tematys, outline the respective markets and analyse the potential of photonics for these sectors. They also provide a reflection on the European Commission´s defence industrial strategy, the Virtual Worlds strategy as well as the European strategy for High Performance Computing. All reports are now available for download.

Entitled Photonics – an essential technology for defence, the report analyses the role, potential, and opportunities of photonics technologies in defence applications and demonstrates their impact on current and future defence systems. The trend towards optically based imaging, remote sensing, communications, and weapons in modern defence systems highlights the importance of maintaining European leadership in photonics to retain its position in the military and industrial defence sectors. Photonics plays a crucial role in various defence applications due to its ability to manipulate and control light for a wide range of purposes. As countries outside of Europe rapidly enhance their defence capabilities, it is imperative for Europe to advance and master photonics technologies. Fostering these innovations will ensure Europe remains secure and competitive on the global stage.