Europe holds a strong position in scientific research on emerging technologies, according to the Joint Research Centre (JRC) technical report on Weak signals in Science and Technologies – 2024. The new report analyses emerging technologies in key areas such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and biotechnologies, which have the potential to improve Europe’s competitiveness across different fields.
The aim of the report, the fourth of its kind, is to provide new insights into the latest developments in emerging technologies and analyse their potential impact on society. In it, experts have looked at a set of 221 emerging technologies detected over the course of 2024 and have distributed them in twelve thematic clusters going from e-Health to aerospace.
Many of the emerging technologies detected are also related to artificial intelligence and machine learning, with applications in fields such as healthcare, finance, and transportation. The report highlights the potential of these technologies to transform industries and improve people’s lives. For example, artificial intelligence can be used to develop personalised medicines, while machine learning can improve the efficiency of transportation systems.