The Joint Research Centre opens its scientific laboratoroies and facilities to people working in academia, and research organisations, industry, SMEs, and more in general to public and private sector.

There are 13 open calls at the moment: 

Call for proposals: FCTEST, Fuel cells and electrolyser testing facilities

Call for proposal: Hopkinson Bar facility, European Laboratory for Structural Assessment (ELSA)

Call for proposal: BESTEST, Battery Energy Storage Testing for Safe Electric Transport

Call for proposal: GasTeF, Gas Tank Testing Facility

Call for proposal: Reaction Wall, European Laboratory for Structural Assessment (ELSA)

HADES, Underground laboratory for ultra-low level gamma-ray spectrometry (EUFRAT) – 2025-1-RD- EUFRAT-HADES

MONNET, Tandem accelerator based fast neutron source (EUFRAT) 2025-1-RD-EUFRAT-MONNET

RADMET, Radionuclide Metrology laboratories (EUFRAT) 2025-1-RD- EUFRAT-RADMET

GELINA, the JRC Neutron Time-of-Flight Facility (EUFRAT)-2025-1-RD- EUFRAT-GELINA

HC-KA, Hot Cell Laboratory (ActUsLab) 2025-1-RD-ActUsLab-HC-KA

FMR, Fuels and Materials Research (ActUsLab) 2025-1-RD-ActUsLab-FMR

PAMEC, Properties of Actinide Materials under Extreme Conditions (ActUsLab) 2025-1-RD-ACTUSLAB-PAMEC

European Union Reference Laboratory for alternatives to animal testing – 2025-1-RD-EURL ECVAM