The European Parliament has published a study which examines the evolution and the current status of the implementation of synergies between Horizon Europe and the Cohesion Policy funds for research and innovation activities. It provides insights into the main barriers and drivers for the uptake of these synergies, along with possible pathways forward to achieve greater innovation outcomes.
Despite some noticeable progress as compared to the end of the 2014–2020 programming period, the uptake of synergies between the Horizon Europe and Cohesion Policy funds remains slow in the current period 2021-2027, the study concludes. The report points out significant persisting strategic and operational gaps. While certain synergy mechanisms are increasingly being deployed, particularly in Widening Countries, significant barriers remain, especially for stakeholders with fewer resources. Furthermore, the degree of implementation of different types of synergy varies, with some mechanisms showing more progress than others, e.g. Seal of Excellence supporting schemes are expanding at national and regional levels while implementation is growing due to improved state aid rules and data availability.