The experts of the European Commission’s Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM) and the European Group on Ethics (EGE) have provided scientific opinions and ethical perspectives to the European Commission on solar radiation modification technologies (SRM). The experts find that SRM cannot fully address climate change, and responsible research on impacts is needed.

With the Paris climate targets looking increasingly difficult to achieve, technologies are being proposed to reduce warming by reflecting sunlight away from the Earth. Known as “solar radiation modification” (SRM), these technologies are gaining traction in some circles, and modelling suggests that some of them may have the potential to prevent further global warming and reduce some of its effects, such as extreme weather events and rising sea levels. 

SAM and EGE agree that these technologies are not ready, and in any case, they are no substitute for emissions reductions, and warn the Commission that Europe must maintain the primary goals of its climate policy – bringing down emissions and adapting to inevitable changes. They recommend further research and in the meantime an EU-wide moratorium on the use of solar radiation technologies.