The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) has presented a position paper on the next Research Framework Programme. The Council calls for a “robust FP10”, and for the following key characteristics to be included in the next FP, amongst others:
- Strong political commitment to ensure adequate financial resources, and a ring-fenced budget for FP10;
- Excellence as the basis for FP10 R&I support;
- Full and balanced coverage of all TRLs in the FP;
- A powerful R&I ecosystem as a prerequisite for excellent R&I in Europe;
- Continuation or ERC, EIC and MSCA;
- International collaboration as open as possible and as closed as necessary;
- A dedicated instrument for Missions, outside the FP;
- Allowing for more creative solutions to challenges;
- Continuity as a key factor contributing to simplification;
- The same rules and procedures for all calls and actions in FP10;
- Review of scope and number of Partnerships, and deep revision of the EIT;
- Academic freedom to prevail in FP10 – critical of dual use.