On 24 September 2024, the Chips Joint Undertaking (Chips JU) opened calls to support semiconductor research and innovation initiatives. This is the first such call in quantum technologies to step up investment in frontier technologies, in particular quantum chips for computing and sensing.  

EU funding for this call of €65 million is expected to be matched by the participating states of the Chips JU. This is part of the €200 million EU investment in quantum chips envisaged under the Chips JU over the next three years. 

The call will select projects for the development and manufacturing-of quantum technologies to enhance innovation in Europe and pave the way for establishing a manufacturing supply chain for quantum chips in Europe.  

Real-world applications include solving complex optimisation problems in logistics and supply chain management, accelerating drug discovery through molecular simulations, enhancing cybersecurity with advanced encryption methods, and improving artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms. 
