The European Commission announced the winners of the 35th EU Contest for Young Scientists (EUCYS) and the second EU TalentOn competitions in Katowice, the European City of Science 2024, on 13 September 2024.

146 young scientists aged 14 to 20, from 37 countries, showcased their projects at the 35th EUCYS. Competing in a range of scientific fields including biology, chemistry, computer science, and engineering, the first prize winning projects, each receiving €7,000, were:

  • Piotr Olbryś from Poland for the project Design of new pyrene-4,5,9,10-tetraone-based heterocyclic derivatives as high-capacity organic cathode materials: a density functional theory study
  • Nikhil Vemuri from the USA for the project ANOMaLY: A Real-Time Globalized System for Effective Regional Mitigation of Agricultural Nitrous Oxide Emissions
  • Lamia Music from Austria for the project Sustainable and Advanced Approaches to Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
  • Aleksandra Petkova from Bulgaria for the project Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Ship Wakes