Expected Outcome:

The aim is to support two or more pilot lines implemented through a Framework Partnership Agreement establishing a stable and structured long term partnerships between the Chips JU and consortia of industry, research organisations and the institutions in quantum technologies who commit themselves to establishing, coordinating and implementing a strategic and ambitious R&I initiative for the development of innovative quantum chips, followed by an ambitious action for building and deploying pilot lines.

The partnerships will be set up through one FPA per technology platform, which will ensure the implementation of the initiative through several consecutive Specific Grant Agreements (SGAs) that will carry out the different activities in a common framework. The SGAs will be implemented as Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) or Innovation Actions (IA) in function of the concrete objectives of the action. The FPAs should be carried out in different phases, which will be triggered after the attainment of appropriate intermediate progress milestones identified by the consortia. The FPAs will permit the coordinated development of the technology, its validation and the nurturing of the ecosystem. The developments should be integrated in one pilot demonstrator per FPA to validate the developments and demonstrate the scalability potential.

The infrastructures of the pilot lines should be installed in a pre-operational environment in the facilities of the hosting entities. The FPAs and SGAs should target delivering components for building and deploying in the EU of quantum technologies based on European technology.
