The European Parliamentary Research Service has recently published two studies related to Horizon Europe. The frist publications focuses on `Horizon Europe support for the European Green Deal` and its impact for European industry. The analysis sheds light on Horizon Europe’s role in supporting research with a sustainability focus, and in facilitating industry participation in research projects. It reveals successes and identifies challenges such as administrative complexities, and the need for mechanisms to provide tailored support for small and medium-sized enterprises. The report suggests three policy options to strengthen Horizon Europe’s support for industry:

– Enhancing the capabilities of National Contact Points, including by using artificial intelligence (AI) tools to facilitate access to information and support;

– Expanding the ‘marketplace’ concept to boost the dissemination and adoption of green technologies;

– Ensuring that Horizon Europe’s research calls prioritise the strategic directions of the Net-Zero Industry Act and the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (STEP).

The second study entitled The Horizon Europe Programme: A strategic assessment of selected items. It evaluates the following selected items in Horizon Europe: the evolution of calls and funding, adoption of the Common Model Grant Agreement (CMGA), implementation of the strategic plan, discontinuation of the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Flagship, the participation barriers faced by SMEs, and stakeholders’ views on the evaluation system. Drawing on surveys and interviews, the study aims to identify both the key strengths and shortcomings of Horizon Europe in terms of these selected items. Lastly, the study suggests ways to mitigate the shortcomings highlighted by stakeholders.