On 23 November, the European Commission published its first 18-months review of the progress towards the priority areas for joint action in the European Research Area (ERA), as laid down in the Pact for Research and Innovation in Europe, and of the implementation of the ERA Policy Agenda. It is part of the new ERA Monitoring Mechanism (EMM), which also includes the ERA Policy Platform with the ERA Dashboard and Scoreboard as well as country-level reports. In the context of the renewal of the ERA governance since 2021, the monitoring will allow for evidence-informed policy-making. The present report serves as a baseline against which future progress at EU-level can be assessed.

It provides an overview of quantitative information identifying the trends towards achieving the priorities set out in the Pact for Research and Innovation in Europe , and presents an overview of qualitative information outlining the state of play of each ERA action defined in the ERA Policy Agenda 2022-2024.

The assessment shows that the EU together with the Member States, Associated Countries and R&I stakeholders has already made significant advancements within the different ERA Policy Agenda Actions. Examples of such achievements include:

  • the establishment of the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA)(ERA Action 3);
  • the preparation of a Council Recommendation on a ‘European framework to attract and retain research, innovation and entrepreneurial talents in Europe’ in 2023(ERA Action 4);
  • the adoption of a Council Recommendation on the guiding principles for knowledge valorisation in 2022 (ERA Action 7);
  • the adoption of Industrial Technology Roadmaps (ERA Action 12);
  • the development of a new ERA monitoring and evaluation framework (ERA Action 19).